Vestibular Therapy in Long Island, NY

Find Relief and Regain Balance with Long Island's Premier Vestibular Therapy Service!

Do you struggle with dizziness or vertigo? If so, our vestibular therapy could be the solution you’ve been looking for. Our team of skilled physical therapists specializes in helping individuals with balance disorders through targeted vestibular therapy in Bethpage, Long Island. By focusing on the vestibular system, which plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and spatial orientation, we aim to reduce symptoms and enhance your overall function.


At Long Island Physical Therapy and Rehab, we understand the challenges of balance disorders and their impact on daily life. That’s why we utilize various tools and techniques to address the root causes of your symptoms. Our expert therapists work closely with you to create a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs, ensuring you receive the most effective care possible.


Whether through specialized exercises, canalith repositioning maneuvers, balance training, or gaze stabilization exercises, our team is dedicated to helping you regain control over your balance and minimize the discomfort caused by dizziness and vertigo. We’re here to guide you toward improved function and quality of life.


Don’t let balance disorders hold you back any longer. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step toward a more stable and confident you.

What is Vestibular Therapy?

Vestibular Therapy in long island

Vestibular therapy is a physical therapy that helps individuals with balance and dizziness problems. Our body’s vestibular system is responsible for keeping us balanced and upright. When it doesn’t function properly, it can lead to various issues.

The vestibular treatment utilizes techniques and exercises to improve the performance of the vestibular system. For example, eye movements, head movements, and balance training are commonly used in vestibular therapy.

This therapy is often recommended for individuals experiencing balance and coordination issues due to neurological diseases, head injuries, vertigo, motion sickness, or other related symptoms. It aims to alleviate their symptoms and improve their overall well-being.

If you experience dizziness or vertigo, you may benefit from vestibular rehabilitation. A kind of physical therapy known as vestibular therapy focuses on the vestibular system, which is in charge of balance and spatial orientation. Our physical therapists employ various tools and techniques to lessen pain and improve function.

What does Vestibular Therapy involve?

  1. Canalith repositioning maneuvers: This technique involves moving the head and body in specific ways to reposition tiny crystals in the inner ear that can cause vertigo.
  2. Habituation exercises: These exercises include repeated exposure to motions that cause symptoms.
  3. Balance training: Walking on a balancing beam, standing on one foot, or utilizing a wobble board may be used.
  4. Gaze stabilization exercises include concentrating the eyes on a stationary object while the head moves.
long island therapy

When is Vestibular Therapy Needed?

You could benefit from vestibular treatment if you struggle with balance, spatial orientation, vertigo, unsteadiness, or any of these symptoms. The following disorders can result in these symptoms:

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
  • Vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Concussion or other head injuries
  • Stroke or other neurological condition

If you see any of these signs or symptoms, you must immediately see a doctor to get tested. They can determine if vestibular therapy may be helpful for you.

Types of Vestibular Therapy

Depending on the patient’s requirements and symptoms, the physical therapist may use several forms of vestibular treatment. These include

  1. Canalith repositioning maneuvers: As mentioned earlier, this technique involves moving the head and body in specific ways to reposition small crystals in the inner ear that can cause vertigo.
  2. Brandt-Daroff exercises: Patients can do a series of movements at home to treat BPPV.
  3. Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT): This extensive program of exercises and activities created by physical therapists aims to increase balance and lessen symptoms.
  4. Visual-vestibular integration training: This therapy involves exercises focusing on integrating visual and vestibular information to improve balance and reduce symptoms.

Why is Vestibular Therapy Important?

Vestibular therapy is essential for several reasons. Here are eight benefits of vestibular therapy:

  • Improves balance: Vestibular treatment can help improve balance and reduce the risk of falls.

  • Reduces dizziness: Vestibular therapy can help reduce symptoms of dizziness and vertigo.

  • Improves spatial orientation: Vestibular therapy can help improve spatial orientation, especially for patients with conditions like Meniere’s disease.

  • Enhances quality of life: Vestibular disorders can significantly impact a person’s quality of life, but vestibular therapy can help reduce symptoms and improve daily function.

  • Decreases dependence on medication: Vestibular therapy can be an effective alternative to medicine for managing symptoms.

  • Improves overall physical health: Vestibular therapy can improve physical health by increasing physical activity and reducing the risk of falls.

  • Reduces healthcare costs: By reducing symptoms and improving function, vestibular therapy can help reduce healthcare costs associated with vestibular disorders.

  • Increases independence: Vestibular therapy can help patients regain their independence and confidence by improving balance and reducing symptoms.


Our Vestibular Therapy Process

  1. We provide thorough vestibular therapy at our clinic, which involves the following measures:

    1. Evaluation: We begin with a thorough evaluation to assess the patient’s symptoms and determine the best course of treatment.
    2. Treatment planning: Based on the evaluation, we work with the patient to develop an individualized treatment plan that addresses their needs and goals.
    3. Therapy sessions: A licensed physical therapist conducts our vestibular therapy sessions one-on-one and may include a variety of techniques such as canalith repositioning maneuvers, habituation exercises, balance training, and gaze stabilization exercises.
    4. Home exercise program: We provide patients with a home exercise program to supplement their therapy sessions and help them progress between appointments.
    5. Progress monitoring: We monitor progress throughout treatment and adjust the plan as needed.

    You may benefit from vestibular therapy if you’re experiencing symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, or unsteadiness. Our comprehensive process can help you regain your balance and reduce symptoms, improving your overall quality of life. Don’t let vestibular disorders hold you back any longer – contact us today to schedule an evaluation and get started on your journey to better balance.

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