Therapists provide knee therapy.

Physical Therapy After Knee Replacement

You might wonder what comes next if you've recently had a knee replacement. Well, physical therapy is a big part of the healing process. Long Island Physical Therapy is here to guide you through every step of your recovery journey right here in Long Island.

You might wonder what comes next if you’ve recently had a knee replacement. Well, physical therapy is a big part of the healing process. Long Island Physical Therapy is here to guide you through every step of your recovery journey right here in Long Island.

Recover swiftly with expert guidance! Discover specialized physical therapy after knee replacement at Long Island PT. Regain mobility and comfort

Why Physical Therapy Is Necessary After Knee Replacement?

The Initial Evaluation at Long Island Physical Therapy

Before jumping into exercises, our team will meet with you to discuss your needs and health history. We’ll also set some goals. What do you hope to achieve with your new knee? Maybe you want to go back to gardening, or perhaps you’re planning a hike. We’ll make a plan to help you get there.

You just got a new knee, and now it’s time to move! Physical therapy helps you recover faster and get back to your daily life. It also helps you move your knee more freely and keeps other issues, like stiffness or swelling, at bay. Do you want to know how long physical therapy is needed after knee replacement? Read more on “How Long is Physical Therapy Needed After Knee Replacement?

Phases of Physical Therapy After Knee Replacement

Acute Phase (Weeks 1-2)

We focus on keeping your pain low in the first few weeks and ensuring you can move a little. We’ll use ice packs, simple stretches, and easy exercises. You’ll probably see us a few times a week during this time.

Recovery Phase (Weeks 3-6)

Now, we’ll start to push a bit harder. We’ll add more exercises to strengthen your knee and help you move more quickly. You’ll still come in regularly during this phase to see how you’re doing.

Advanced Recovery Phase (Weeks 7-12)

By now, you’ll be doing more everyday activities. We’ll make your exercises more challenging and may even add some water exercises. You’ll learn to climb stairs easily and do other things you’ve missed.

Maintenance Phase (Week 13+)

You’re almost there! By this point, you’re probably back to your daily activities. We’ll keep pushing you a bit so you can do even more, maybe even some sports. This phase is all about staying active for the long run.

Individualized Approach

At Long Island Physical Therapy, we know that everyone is different. We’ll make sure your plan fits you. We’ve helped many people get back on their feet, and they’ve said great things about us! You can also contact us if you need any type of therapy.

What to Expect in a Typical Session?

When you come in, we’ll usually start with some warm-up activities. Then, you’ll do a series of exercises to make your knee stronger. After that, a cool-down period and a chat about your progress. Simple as that! 

Insurance and Costs

Don’t worry about costs; we accept many types of insurance. If you’re unsure about your coverage, call us, and we’ll help sort it out. We even have payment plans.

How to Get Started

Ready to get moving? Just give us a call to set up your first visit. Bring any medical information you have, and be ready to get started on your path to recovery.

Getting a new knee is just the first step. Physical therapy is vital for a full and speedy recovery. Get in touch with Long Island Physical Therapy today, and let’s get you back to doing the things you love!

Remember, always talk to your healthcare provider for personalized medical advice. We hope to see you soon at Long Island Physical Therapy!

 Additional Resources

For more information, check out our blogs and FAQs. We have plenty of tips and exercises you can do at home.

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